The Graduate's Grind: Brigham Young University- Idaho

Students Speak Out On Online Classes?

Park It HERE
Rebecka Page

One of the things I like most about online classes is parking my chair instead of my car.  Seriously, the convenience and time saved by studying at home is a big benefit.  In addition, BYU-I has structured their internet classes with solid on-line resources, weekly due dates (for procrastinators like me), and lots of innovative group interaction. With rare exception, my teachers have responded quickly to questions and offered sound feedback and encouragement.  Surprisingly, each one of my on-line classes has offered something different in the way of technology and set up.  The biggest challenge in the on-line setting is group projects.  Sometimes it’s really hard to get communication going and keep in touch.   But I’ve worked with some amazing people and enjoyed getting to know them via e mail, wikis and blogs.  So--park it HERE and sample a different approach to learning.     

More Individual, Less Social
Tinell Broadbent

Taking an online class is a requirement for BYU-Idaho students. I have taken three online classes at this university and have loved all of them. I was amazed at how organized and clearly my instructors directed and taught their class. There was a good working relationship between the teachers and me.  If I ever had questions or concerns about the work, I could write an email and receive a prompt response. Because of the advancing use of the Internet, I highly recommend taking online classes, as they will help develop skills to learn, study, and connect through technological advances. They also work well for people who prefer or need a more flexible schedule. One aspect that I found difficult for online classes is, when working in groups, using Adobe will not be as easy as meeting in real life. I also wish there was a way to meet the people you work with. In a regular classroom, you can interact quickly with other students, ask opinions, come to conclusion and get to know the people around you. In an online class, it is more individual work and more task-oriented, and less of social interaction. 

Rushed Lessons Do Not Aid Learning Model
Veronica Blackham

Online courses do not follow all aspects of the Brigham Young University – Idaho Learning Model.  Part of the Learning Model states that, “Learners and teachers at BYU–Idaho love, serve, and teach one another” (Principle 5).  This can be very difficult to do in an online class setting. 

My personal learning experience with online courses is not as great as my learning experience in classroom settings.  I find that I am often rushing through my lessons.  Also, even though the online courses required responses on a discussion board, I did not find it helpful in enhancing my experience of learning from others.  I enjoy teaching and I feel that it helps me understand difficult concepts better.  The opportunity for teaching in an online course is minimal.

Overall, I do not believe that online classes are in any way an aid to the BYU-Idaho learning model.  They do not provide a “teach and learn from one another” replica for either the students or teachers. Online courses are a detriment to the overall learning experience, and I would not recommend taking them unless it is an absolute necessity. 

The Beauty of Online Classes
Adam Anderson

Fall in Virginia is my favorite time of year.  The leaves transform into a beautiful array of vibrant In the summer of 2009, it was time to head back to BYU-Idaho, I had two more semesters of college to complete before I could graduate.  I was disheartened at having to leave Virginia once again, but I had to get away to school and pursue my career.  My dampened spirit was soon amended when I came across the selection of online classes and found that 3 classes, which were required to take in Idaho, were available online.  “Could it be?” I reflected, “I could take these classes and stay in Virginia for the fall.”  So I did, and here I am.  My experience with online classes has been incredible.  It has allowed me the freedom to stay at home for a semester, while still accomplishing my semester goals for graduation.   I also have three great professors, with whom I have learned much.  Online classes have enabled me to pursue my collegiate career while not missing out on my favorite part of the country for the fall.  So as I sit on my porch, watching the autumn leaves spiraling upon my lawn, I take pleasure from my experience with online classes.

Online Classes Offer Great Flexibility
Kerstin Briggs

BYU-Idaho now has an online degree pilot program for students who previously attended BYU-Idaho/Ricks College. Whether you are in the program or not, online classes are great if you need flexibility with your schedule. As an online student and a mom, I am able to work on my four online classes anytime during the day that my schedule allows. Some days it is early in the morning, other days it is after I have tucked my daughter into bed. Many students are worried that they would procrastinate and not do the coursework, but most instructors have deadlines during the week to help you manage the class load. By working on breaking the assignments up over the week, online classes really are a convenient way to complete your credits.  

"I Would Advise Anyone Who Hasn't Taken an Online Course To Do So!"
Bill Beck

I am in my seventh semester here at BYU-Idaho. I have had five semesters where I took at least one online course, due to a busy non-school-related schedule. I would advise anyone who hasn’t taken an online course to do so. I have found my online courses to be very beneficial. I have learned more about my strengths and weaknesses, because I had to depend on myself to make my own deadlines. There is no teacher to impress, no classmates to inspire or commiserate with. I feel that online learning is somewhat akin to being self-taught, but with a mentor guiding you through the class materials. They are not easy, but that is part of what made the classes helpful, because they pushed me to discover why it was that I was seeking an education. I think anyone who is really seeking to learn will succeed and enjoy online classes, because they are designed for those who are seeking to learn for their own needs, not just to fulfill a requirement.  

Scary Online Classes: Fact or Fiction?
Phillip Sorenson

I feel that if I have the availability to take the class in a class room over an online version of the class, I would. Because all my life I’ve had the same school structure (go to class to learn, come home after and do homework, bring that back to class), my whole idea of doing school work is queued off of going to class first; I guess my mentality is the whole, “out of sight, out of mind,” idea. But I have learned some things that make taking online classes more successful. One is having a set time to do work for the class. If you set a time to do your work, you won’t forget to do it! Also, don’t do other things while doing your online work. You’ll get distracted and it will take you forever, and there is also a chance you might get distracted and navigate away from a quiz or test you’re taking. This is to be avoided at all costs because you usually cannot get back into the test and so you’re then graded on whatever you managed to finish before disaster struck.

Online Classes Can Be Enjoyable
Matt Montoya

I have taken two online classes in the past year: “British Literature: Neoclassic and Romantic” and “Introduction the English Major.”  I enjoyed these online classes because I did not have to commit to being in a classroom three hours a week for them; I was able to work full-time during the day and study for my online classes at night. My online teachers were more relaxed about deadlines for assignments, but I still learned just as much from my online classes as I did from my classes on campus.  The primary downfall of an online class is that it is easy to forget to do your homework, since the teacher cannot remind you in a classroom every week to do it.  With a little bit of discipline and determination, online classes are a good way to get an education while maintaining a more flexible schedule.